Why should you buy a house in the winter time?
Many first-time buyers look to invest in a home in the summer. The weather is warm, the kids are out of school, and there are plenty of homes to review. The problem with this is that a lot of other people have the same idea. The housing market may be full of choices in the summer, but it is also filled to the brim with buyers. Today we’re going to talk about why you may choose to go house hunting in the winter rather than the warmer months.
There aren’t very many people looking to buy a house in the winter.
At the end of the day, it’s nice to have a real estate agent’s attention all to yourself. It may afford you more opportunity to ask questions and to closely examine a longer list of homes seeing as though you aren’t constantly fighting for your agent’s attention. Not only that, but homeowners selling their homes will also be able to spend more time with you and help you get a fuller, perhaps more accurate, picture of the home you’re stepping into.
Buy a house in the winter for lower prices.
For better or worse, houses on the market in the winter aren’t as expensive as they are in the summer. Though experts are not entirely sure why this is, it is speculated that a smaller pool of buyers is part of the reason. A smaller pool of buyers means less competing offers and a little more willingness to compromise from sellers. As an added bonus, many home improvement projects also cost less in the colder months, so if you end up buying a house, you can get it fixed up for cheaper than you projected.
What’s the catch when you a buy a house in the winter?
Buying a house in the winter is not without its downsides. For example, though the prices are lower, there are fewer homes on the market. A lot of sellers want to wait for the more competitive markets. Therefore, finding your dream home might be a long shot. That being said, the benefits are clear and now is the time to buy. The market may become unstable over the next few months. Hesitation could cost you and your family hundreds of thousands of dollars as the market rises quickly. If you’re on the fence right now, consider getting off of it.
Are you looking for your perfect home this winter? We can find you the right loan to get you going!
Whether you’re looking for a house to flip or a home to love, finding the money for this investment can be difficult. We at Caliver Beach are ready to help you find the right loan for your situation. Our team of highly qualified experts have hundreds of options ready for you to invest in the home of your dreams. Contact us today! You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, and Youtube!